M3U/PLS Files

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It is possible to convert M3U/PLS files to JSON files (i.e. Media Station X content pages) with following URLs.

Note: For HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) files (i.e. M3U8 files), please use the video/audio action (e.g. video:http://link.to.hls.m3u8), because these URLs are only suitable for converting simple playlist files. Please note that this is an online service. Therefore, only publicly available playlist files can be converted. Generally, it is more recommended to host JSON files instead of converting playlist files as they provide much more functionality.

Parameter Syntax[edit]

Parameter Type Default Value Mandatory Since Version Description
headline string "Playlist" No 0.1.30

The headline of the content page. It is recommended to encode the value to ensure that it is evaluated correctly (e.g. "My Playlist""My%20Playlist").





    "headline": "Playlist Examples",
    "menu": [{
            "label": "Playlist Data",
            "data": "http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/audios.m3u"
        }, {            
            "label": "Playlist Actions",
            "data": {  
                "template": {
                    "type": "control",
                    "layout": "0,0,12,1",
                    "color": "msx-glass"
                "items": [{
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:movie",
                        "label": "Show video playlist",
                        "action": "content:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=video&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/videos.m3u"
                    }, {     
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:movie",
                        "label": "Start video playlist",
                        "action": "playlist:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=video&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/videos.m3u"
                    }, {
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:music-note",
                        "label": "Show audio playlist",
                        "action": "content:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=audio&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/audios.m3u"
                    }, {     
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:music-note",
                        "label": "Start audio playlist",
                        "action": "playlist:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=audio&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/audios.m3u"
                    }, {     
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:image",
                        "label": "Show slideshow",
                        "action": "content:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=image&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/images.m3u"
                    }, {    
                        "icon": "msx-white-soft:image",
                        "label": "Start slideshow",
                        "action": "slideshow:http://msx.benzac.de/services/m3u.php?type=image&url=http://msx.benzac.de/info/data/m3u/images.m3u"
