IMA Plugin

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IMA stands for Interactive Media Ads and is a special video plugin that integrates ads (i.e. pre-rolls, mid-rolls, and post-rolls) into a video by using the Google IMA SDK ( The plugin can be used with version 0.1.146 or higher.


The plugin must be loaded with a video URL. Optionally, the ad tag URL can be indicated. Please see following action syntax example.

If you would like to use the plugin as reference to implement your own plugin, please have a look at these implementation scripts:


Parameter syntax of IMA plugin
Parameter Type Default Value Mandatory Description
url string null Yes

The URL of the video. It is recommended to encode the value to ensure that it is evaluated correctly (e.g. """").

ad string null No

The URL of the ad tag. It is recommended to encode the value to ensure that it is evaluated correctly (e.g. """").

Optionally, the ad tag URL can be indicated as base-64 encoded URL by using the ID syntax id:{BASE_64_ENCODED_URL} (e.g. id:aHR0cHM6Ly9wdWJhZHMuZy5kb3VibGVjbGljay5uZXQvZ2FtcGFkL2Fkcz9pdT0vMjE3NzU3NDQ5MjMvZXh0ZXJuYWwvc2luZ2xlX2FkX3NhbXBsZXMmc3o9NjQweDQ4MA...)

Note: Please note that it is also possible to indicate the ad tag URL via the Extended Properties of a content item. In this case, this parameter is ignored.

debug number 0 No

If this parameter is set to 1, debug events of the HTML5 content (and possible ads) player will be logged.

Note: Depending on the platform, the ads are played in a separate HTML5 player or in a composite HTML5 player (a player that plays ads and content in the same element).

Property syntax of extended properties for IMA plugin
Property Value Example Description
ima:url {AD_TAG_URL}

"ima:url": ""
"ima:url": ""

The base or complete URL of the ad tag.

Note: If this property is not set, the ad URL parameter is used.


"ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples"
"ima:param:output": "vast"

Optional ad tag URL parameters to be appended to the base URL of the ad tag.

Note: This property is ignored if no ima:url property is set.

ima:content:duration {DURATION}

"ima:content:duration": "60"

The content duration in seconds used by the Google IMA SDK. For more information, please see the contentDuration property of the AdsRequest class (

ima:content:keywords {KEYWORDS}

"ima:content:keywords": "Nature, Education"

The content keywords used by the Google IMA SDK. For more information, please see the contentKeywords property of the AdsRequest class (

ima:content:title {TITLE}

"ima:content:title": "Example Video"

The content title used by the Google IMA SDK. For more information, please see the contentTitle property of the AdsRequest class (

ima:pauseable {BOOLEAN_VALUE}

"ima:pauseable": "false"

Indicates if ads can be paused. By default, pausing ads is allowed.

ima:skippable {BOOLEAN_VALUE}

"ima:skippable": "false"

Indicates if ads can be skipped. By default, skipping ads is allowed.

Note: Please note that this property has no effect if an ad itself does not support skipping (i.e. no skip offset is indicated).


Please note that this example uses the ad tag URLs from the Google IMA SDK samples (


Example Screenshot (IMA Plugin)


    "type": "list",
    "headline": "IMA Plugin Test",
    "note": "",
    "compress": true,
    "template": {
        "type": "control",
        "layout": "0,0,16,1",
        "icon": "movie"
    "items": [{
            "label": "Single Inline Linear",
            "playerLabel": "Single Inline Linear",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=linear",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single Skippable Inline",
            "playerLabel": "Single Skippable Inline",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_preroll_skippable",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single Redirect Linear",
            "playerLabel": "Single Redirect Linear",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=redirectlinear",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single Redirect Error",
            "playerLabel": "Single Redirect Error",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=redirecterror",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single Redirect Broken (Fallback)",
            "playerLabel": "Single Redirect Broken (Fallback)",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=redirecterror",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:nofb": "1",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single VPAID 2.0 Linear",
            "playerLabel": "Single VPAID 2.0 Linear",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=linearvpaid2js",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single VPAID 2.0 Non-Linear",
            "playerLabel": "Single VPAID 2.0 Non-Linear",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/single_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=nonlinearvpaid2js",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Single Non-linear Inline",
            "playerLabel": "Single Non-linear Inline",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/nonlinear_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "480x70",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ct=nonlinear",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250,728x90",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Session Ad Rule Pre-roll",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Session Ad Rule Pre-roll",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sar=a0f2",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Pre-roll",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Pre-roll",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=preonly",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Pre-roll + Bumper",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Pre-roll + Bumper",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=preonlybumper",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Post-roll",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Post-roll",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=postonly",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Post-roll + Bumper",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Post-roll + Bumper",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=postonlybumper",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",               
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP Pre-, Mid-, and Post-rolls, Single Ads",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP Pre-, Mid-, and Post-rolls, Single Ads",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpost",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pod with 3 ads, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pod with 3 ads, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpostpod",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",               
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Optimized Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Optimized Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpostoptimizedpod",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad (bumpers around all ad breaks)",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad (bumpers around all ad breaks)",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpostpodbumper",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Optimized Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad (bumpers around all ad breaks)",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Optimized Pod with 3 Ads, Post-roll Single Ad (bumpers around all ad breaks)",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpostoptimizedpodbumper",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pods with 5 Ads Every 10 Seconds, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "playerLabel": "VMAP - Pre-roll Single Ad, Mid-roll Standard Pods with 5 Ads Every 10 Seconds, Post-roll Single Ad",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/vmap_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:cust_params": "sample_ar=premidpostlongpod",
                "ima:param:ciu_szs": "300x250",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",
                "ima:param:ad_rule": "1",
                "ima:param:output": "vmap",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",           
                "ima:param:cmsid": "496",
                "ima:param:vid": "short_onecue",
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "SIMID Survey Pre-roll",
            "playerLabel": "SIMID Survey Pre-roll",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/simid",
                "ima:param:description_url": "",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",             
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",           
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",              
                "ima:param:correlator": ""
        }, {
            "label": "OM SDK Sample Pre-roll",
            "playerLabel": "OM SDK Sample Pre-roll",
            "action": "video:plugin:",
            "properties": {
                "control:type": "extended",
                "ima:url": "",
                "ima:param:iu": "/21775744923/external/omid_ad_samples",
                "ima:param:description_url": "",
                "ima:param:sz": "640x480",
                "ima:param:gdfp_req": "1",           
                "ima:param:output": "vast",
                "ima:param:unviewed_position_start": "1",
                "ima:param:env": "vp",
                "ima:param:impl": "s",
                "ima:param:vpmute": "0",
                "ima:param:vpa": "0",
                "ima:param:vad_forma": "linear",
                "ima:param:url": "",
                "ima:param:vpos": "preroll",             
                "ima:param:correlator": ""


Note: This demo will only work properly if ad blockers are disabled.

See also[edit]