Background Plugin

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This is a special video plugin that plays a video in an endless loop. The plugin can be used with version 0.1.74 or higher.


The plugin must be loaded with a video URL. Please see following action syntax example.

If you would like to use the plugin as reference to implement your own plugin, please have a look at this implementation script:


Parameter syntax of background plugin
Parameter Type Default Value Mandatory Description
id string null No

The ID of the background video. This ID is used to request the corresponding URL from the interaction plugin.

url string null Only if video ID is not set

The URL of the background video. It is recommended to encode the value to ensure that it is evaluated correctly (e.g. """").


Please note that this example uses some properties that are only available in version 0.1.142 or higher. Please also note that the service is not part of the plugin. It is just a helper service to return a background video plugin action if no other video/audio is running.


Example Screenshot (Background Plugin)


    "headline": "Background Plugin Test",
    "style": "overlay",
    "transparent": 2,
    "ready": {
        "action": "execute:service:video:data:",
        "data": {
            "url": "",
            "label": "Atmospheric Background 1",
            "transparent": true
    "menu": [{
            "label": "Menu Item 1",
            "data": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Menu Item 2",
            "data": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Menu Item 3",
            "data": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Menu Item 4",
            "data": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Menu Item 5",
            "data": ""
        }, {
            "label": "Menu Item 6",
            "data": ""


See also[edit]