Tizen Player

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The Tizen player is used in Media Station X version 0.1.128 or higher for all Samsung TVs (2016+ models). In previous versions, the HTML5 player is used. The Tizen player works similar to the HTML5 player, but supports more video formats (e.g. 4k/8k formats) and can be configured via the Extended Properties of a content item to setup display, buffer, and/or stream settings. Additionally, you can interact with it using the player:commit actions to get the current stream information and/or to select a specific audio/text track. Please see #Runtime Usage for more information. Some extended properties are dynamic and can also be set via an action at runtime.

Most of the extended properties are directly mapped to a corresponding Tizen (i.e. AVPlay) function. For more information, please visit: https://developer.samsung.com/smarttv/develop/api-references/samsung-product-api-references/avplay-api.html

Note: All properties are reset if a new video/audio is played. Please also note that you can still use the HTML5 player with a plugin (see Video/Audio Plugin#Examples)


Property syntax of extended properties for Tizen player
Property Value Example Tizen Function Dynamic Since Version Description
tizen:buffer:size {SECONDS} "tizen:buffer:size": "10" setBufferingParam("PLAYER_BUFFER_FOR_PLAY", "PLAYER_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_SECOND", {SECONDS});
No 0.1.128 Sets up the initial and resume buffer size in seconds. The default buffer size is "10". Please see AVPlay API for possible values.
tizen:buffer:size:init {SECONDS} "tizen:buffer:size:init": "10" setBufferingParam("PLAYER_BUFFER_FOR_PLAY", "PLAYER_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_SECOND", {SECONDS}); No 0.1.128 Sets up the initial buffer size in seconds. The default buffer size is "10". Please see AVPlay API for possible values.
tizen:buffer:size:resume {SECONDS} "tizen:buffer:size:resume": "10" setBufferingParam("PLAYER_BUFFER_FOR_RESUME", "PLAYER_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_SECOND", {SECONDS}); No 0.1.128 Sets up the resume buffer size in seconds. The default buffer size is "10". Please see AVPlay API for possible values.
tizen:buffer:timeout {SECONDS} "tizen:buffer:timeout": "20" setTimeoutForBuffering({SECONDS}); Yes 0.1.128 Sets up the buffer timeout in seconds. The default buffer timeout is "20". Please see AVPlay API for possible values.
tizen:display:area {REL_X},{REL_Y},{REL_W},{REL_H} "tizen:display:area": "0,0,1,1"
"tizen:display:area": "0.125,0,0.75,1"
"tizen:display:area": "0,0.119,1,0.762"
setDisplayRect({ABS_X}, {ABS_Y}, {ABS_W}, {ABS_H}); Yes 0.1.128 Sets up the display area with relative coordinates. The default area is "0,0,1,1", which fills the entire screen. Please see AVPlay API for possible values.

Note: If this property is set, the property tizen:display:mode will be set to "PLAYER_DISPLAY_MODE_FULL_SCREEN", which fills the entire area (by strechting the video image).

tizen:display:mode {DISPLAY_MODE} "tizen:display:mode": "PLAYER_DISPLAY_MODE_LETTER_BOX"
"tizen:display:mode": "PLAYER_DISPLAY_MODE_FULL_SCREEN"
setDisplayMethod({DISPLAY_MODE}); Yes 0.1.128 Sets up the display mode. The default mode is "PLAYER_DISPLAY_MODE_LETTER_BOX", which fills the entire screen (by keeping the video aspect ratio). Please see AVPlay API for possible values.

Note: If this property is set, the property tizen:display:area will be set to "0,0,1,1".

tizen:load {ACTION} "tizen:load": "info:Tizen player loaded." n/a No 0.1.128 Sets up an action that is executed if the player is loaded (i.e. the internal state is "IDLE"). Please see AVPlay API for more information.
tizen:ready {ACTION} "tizen:ready": "info:Tizen player ready." n/a Yes 0.1.128 Sets up an action that is executed if the player is ready (i.e. the internal state is "READY"). Please see AVPlay API for more information.
tizen:start {ACTION} "tizen:start": "info:Tizen player started." n/a Yes 0.1.128 Sets up an action that is executed if the player is started (i.e. the internal state is "PLAYING" or "PAUSED"). Please see AVPlay API for more information.
tizen:stream:{STREAM_TYPE} {STREAM_VALUE} "tizen:stream:PREBUFFER_MODE": "5000"
"tizen:stream:ADAPTIVE_INFO": "FIXED_MAX_RESOLUTION=7680X4320"
setStreamingProperty({STREAM_TYPE}, {STREAM_VALUE}); No 0.1.128 Sets up a stream specific property. Please see AVPlay API for possible values.
tizen:track:audio {TRACK_INDEX} "tizen:track:audio": "1" setSelectTrack("AUDIO", {TRACK_INDEX}); Yes 0.1.128 Selects an audio track by indicating the index. Please see AVPlay API for more information.
tizen:track:text {TRACK_INDEX} "tizen:track:text": "1" setSelectTrack("TEXT", {TRACK_INDEX}); Yes 0.1.128 Selects a text track by indicating the index. Please see AVPlay API for more information.

Runtime Usage[edit]

It is possible to request data from the Tizen player and/or to set some extended properties via an action at runtime.


Action syntax for Tizen player
Syntax & Example Data Tizen Function Since Version Description


n/a n/a 0.1.128 Sets up an extended property during runtime.

Note: Only the dynamic properties can be set at runtime.

Please see #Syntax for more information.

   "key": "{PROPERTY}",
   "value": "{VALUE}",
   "action": "{ACTION}",
   "data": null
n/a 0.1.128 Sets up an extended property during runtime and optionally executes an action on completion.

Note: Only the dynamic properties can be set at runtime.

Please see #Syntax for more information.




0.1.128 Requests info data from the player and commits the response to the interaction plugin. Please see AVPlay API for more information.


n/a getStreamingProperty({STREAM_TYPE}); 0.1.128 Requests a stream specific property from the player and commits the response to the interaction plugin. Please see AVPlay API for more information.


n/a getStreamingProperty({STREAM_TYPE}); 0.1.128 Requests multiple stream specific properties from the player and commits the response to the interaction plugin. Please see AVPlay API for more information.


Note: Please note that no action-related data property is used for all resposne examples. Therefore, the committed data property is always null.

Response examples for Tizen player
Action Example Data Example


    "response": {
        "tizen": {
            "info": {
                "version": "1.0",
                "state": "PLAYING",
                "display": {
                    "area": "0,0,1,1",
                    "mode": "PLAYER_DISPLAY_MODE_LETTER_BOX"
                "buffer": {
                    "timeout": 20,
                    "size": {
                        "init": 10,
                        "resume": 10
                "stream": {
                    "video": {
                        "index": 0,
                        "info": {
                            "fourCC": "H264",
                            "Width": 1920,
                            "Height": 1080,
                            "Bit_rate": 477000
                    "audio": {
                        "index": 1,
                        "info": {
                            "language": "eng",
                            "channels": 2,
                            "sample_rate": 44100,
                            "bit_rate": 96000,
                            "fourCC": "AACL"
                    "text": {
                        "index": 2,
                        "info": {
                            "track_num": 0,
                            "track_lang": "eng",
                            "subtitle_type": -1,
                            "fourCC": "TTML"
                "tracks": {
                    "video": [{
                            "index": 0,
                            "info": {
                                "fourCC": "H264",
                                "Width": 1920,
                                "Height": 1080,
                                "Bit_rate": 477000
                    "audio": [{
                            "index": 1,
                            "info": {
                                "language": "eng",
                                "channels": 2,
                                "sample_rate": 44100,
                                "bit_rate": 96000,
                                "fourCC": "AACL"
                    "text": [{
                            "index": 2,
                            "info": {
                                "track_num": 0,
                                "track_lang": "eng",
                                "subtitle_type": -1,
                                "fourCC": "TTML"
    "error": null,
    "data": null


    "data": null


    "data": null