Keep Ratio Keyword

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Revision as of 08:30, 23 November 2022 by Benzac (talk | contribs)
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It is possible to add the keyword msx-keep-ratio to a background image URL (at any position) to keep the aspect ratio. By default, the background image is stretched to fill the entire screen. Adding the keyword will scale up/down the image to fill the entire screen. This feature is available since version 0.1.150.

Note: Because of the immersive mode (introduced in version 0.1.150), the aspect ratio of backgrounds is not always 16:9 (like in previous versions) but can have any aspect ratio.

Please see following URL examples.

Please see following code example.



Example Screenshot (Keep Ratio Keyword)


    "type": "pages",
    "headline": "Keep Ratio Keyword",
    "options": {
        "items": [{
                "type": "control",
                "layout": "0,0,8,1",
                "label": "Enable Immersive Mode",
                "action": "[cleanup|settings:immersive_mode:1]"
            }, {
                "type": "control",
                "layout": "0,1,8,1",
                "label": "Disable Immersive Mode",
                "action": "[cleanup|settings:immersive_mode:0]"
    "template": {
        "type": "default",
        "titleFooter": "{col:msx-white}default",
        "imageLabel": "default",
        "area": "0,4,12,2",
        "layout": "0,0,2,2",
        "color": "msx-glass",
        "imageFiller": "cover",
        "alignment": "center",
        "selection": {
            "important": true,
            "background": "{context:background}"
        "properties": {
            "image:action": "slider:stop",
            "image:trigger": "slider:sync"
    "items": [{
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
        }, {
            "titleFooter": "{col:msx-white}msx-keep-ratio",
            "imageLabel": "msx-keep-ratio",
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
        }, {
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
        }, {
            "titleFooter": "{col:msx-white}msx-keep-ratio",
            "imageLabel": "msx-keep-ratio",
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
        }, {
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
        }, {
            "titleFooter": "{col:msx-white}msx-keep-ratio",
            "imageLabel": "msx-keep-ratio",
            "image": "",
            "background": "",
            "action": "image:"
