Content Item Object

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Revision as of 13:10, 11 January 2021 by Benzac (talk | contribs)
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    "id": "content_item_id",
    "type": "default",
    "layout": "0,0,1,1",
    "area": "0,0,12,6",
    "offset": "0,0,0,0",
    "display": true,
    "enable": true,
    "focus": false,
    "enumerate": false,
    "group": "Item Group",
    "color": "msx-glass",
    "title": "Item Title",
    "titleHeader": "Item Title Header",
    "titleFooter": "Item Title Footer",
    "label": "Item Label",
    "icon": "blank",
    "iconSize": "medium",
    "headline": "Item Headline",
    "text": "Item Text",   
    "alignment": "left",
    "tag": "Item Tag",
    "tagColor": "msx-red",
    "badge": "Item Badge",
    "badgeColor": "msx-green",
    "progress": -1,
    "progressColor": "msx-yellow",
    "wrapperColor": "msx-blue",
    "image": "",
    "imageFiller": "default",
    "imageWidth": -1,
    "imageHeight": -1,
    "imageOverlay": -1,
    "imagePreload": false,
    "imageLabel": "Image Label",
    "imageColor": "msx-black",
    "imageScreenFiller": "fit",      
    "playerLabel": "Player Label",
    "background": "",    
    "extensionIcon": "blank",
    "extensionLabel": "Extension Label",
    "action": null,
    "data": null,
    "properties": null,
    "live": null,
    "selection": null,
    "options": null
Property Type Default Value Mandatory Since Version Description
id string null No 0.1.0

The ID of the content item. This property can be used to identify the item. The ID must be unique and only consist of letters, numbers, and the special characters "_", "-", ".".

type string "default" No 0.1.0

The type of the content item.

  • "default": Default item.
  • "teaser": Teaser items are similar to "default" items, but they have a larger title.
  • "button": Button items have a frame and a transparent background color. The icon and label properties are typically used with this type.
  • "separate": Separate items have seperated titles.
  • "space": Space items are not selectable and can be used to add background or foreground items.
  • "control": Control items are similar to "button" items and mainly designed for internal purposes (e.g. they are used in context menus and settings). The icon and label properties are typically used with this type. Additionally, the extensionLabel and extensionIcon properties are available for this type.
layout string "default" Only for the template object and non-templated items 0.1.0

The layout of the content item in format "x,y,w,h". This property is used to position the item on the layout grid.

Note: The grid size is 12x6 (or 8x6 for panels). It is not possible to register multiple items on the same position, however, it is possible to overlap items (e.g. to add background or foreground items of type "space"). If this property is set to the template object, only the w and h values are used. This property has no effect if it is set to a templated item.

The x value can go from 0 to 11 (or from 0 to 7 for panels). The y value can go from 0 to 5. The w value can go from 1 to 12 (or from 1 to 8 for panels). The h value can go from 1 to 6.

All values are absolute integers. Please use the offset property to position items between the grid.