Content Page Object

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    "display": true,
    "important": false,
    "wrap": false,
    "compress": true,
    "transparent": 0,
    "headline": "Page Headline", 
    "background": "",
    "offset": "0,0,0,0",
    "items": [],
    "action": null,
    "data": null,
    "options": null,
    "caption": "opt/menu",
    "captionUnderlay": -1
Property syntax of content page object
Property Type Default Value Mandatory Since Version Description
display boolean true No 0.1.0

Indicates if the content page is displayed. This property can be used to temporarily remove pages.

important boolean false No 0.1.110

Indicates if the content page is important. If this property is set to true, a corresponding overlay/underlay page is hidden if the content page is active. If the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page and this property is set to true, the page will never be hidden.

wrap boolean false No 0.1.102

Indicates if the content page is wrapped. If this property is set to true, a corresponding menu can not be entered by using the navigation keys (i.e. left and right key). This property has no effect if the content is displayed in a panel, the content is not loaded via a menu, the content page is not the first or last one (if the content type is "pages"), or the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page.

compress boolean true No 0.1.123

Indicates if font size adjustments are performed when the content is compressed.

Note: This property is ignored if the corresponding content root object has not set the compress property to true.

This property is part of the hidden features. For more information, please see Compress Property.

transparent number|boolean 0 No 0.1.142

Indicates if the content background is transparent for this page. By default, the content background is set to a semi-transparent gray to darken the underlying video/image and make the content more visible. This property has no effect if the content is displayed in a panel or the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page.

  • 0|false: The content background is not transparent.
  • 1|true: The content background is transparent.
  • 2: The content background is only transparent if no video/audio is active or the active video/audio has set the extended property "control:transparent" to "true". For more information, please see Extended Properties.
headline string null No 0.1.0

The headline of the content page. This headline is attached as sub-headline to the content headline. If the content does not have a headline, this headline is used for that. This property has no effect if the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page. This property supports Inline Expressions.

background string null No 0.1.0

The background image that is used if no other background is set at lower levels. This property has no effect if the content is displayed in a panel or the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page.

offset string null No 0.1.0

The offset of the content page in format "x,y,w,h". This property can be used to add or subtract an offset.

Note: This property has no effect if the content type is "pages". If the content type is "list", only the y and h values are used. This property is ignored if this page is an overlay/underlay page.

The x value can go from -11.0 to 11.0 (or from -7.0 to 7.0 for panels).
The y value can go from -5.0 to 5.0.
The w value can go from -11.0 to 11.0 (or from -7.0 to 7.0 for panels).
The h value can go from -5.0 to 5.0.

All values are relative floating point numbers.

Note: The offset values have been increased in version 0.1.110. In previous versions, each value can only go from -1.0 to 1.0.

items array null Yes 0.1.0

An array of content items. Please see Content Item Object for the data structure. This property is mandatory, because without it, no content items can be displayed.

action string null No 0.1.112

The content page action that is executed if the page becomes active. This property is part of the hidden features. For more information, please see Page Action.

data object null No 0.1.112

The additional data of the content page action that is used if the action is executed. This property is part of the hidden features. For more information, please see Page Action.

options object null No 0.1.120

A special page object that is displayed in a panel if a content item from this page is selected and the menu button is pressed. The availability of options for the current selected item is indicated in the lower right corner of the content screen. This property is ignored if the content is displayed in a panel. Please see Content Page Object for the data structure.

Since version 0.1.130, you can also set a Content Root Object as options.

Note: If the selected content item has its own options property, this property is ignored.

caption string "opt/menu" No 0.1.130

This property is only used if the content page is set as options property and can be used to set a custom options caption (indicated in the lower right corner of the content screen). This property supports Inline Expressions.

captionUnderlay number -1 No 0.1.153

The underlay of the content caption. This property can be used to explicitly set or remove the underlay of the content caption. The underlay is used to darken the lower part of the screen to make the caption more visible. By default, the underlay is used if a content list has overflowing items (i.e. content items are under the caption). This property has no effect if the content page is displayed as overlay/underlay page.

  • -1: Automatically set/remove underlay.
  • 0: Remove underlay.
  • 1: Set underlay.

Related Hidden Features[edit]

See also[edit]